Our people are the key to our success and yours
Delivering an exceptional customer experience requires not only understanding our client’s brand but also from recognizing that quality care starts with selecting the right person for the right job. Not all customer care programs are created equally and we work with our clients to identify the skill set and experience needed to help their customers solve their issues with speed, accuracy and a human heart the first time they call. Many call centers classify customer service jobs as entry-level or non-professional, but at OptimumCX we do not. We recruit, hire and train professionals, not just “agents” because we understand that our people can have more influence on our client’s brand than any other position in their company. They are your brand champions and team members.
Our brand champions are experienced in providing support for a variety of industries and businesses, carefully selected, intensely trained and high-performing leaders. Compared to their domestic, near shore or offshore counterparts, our team members are unmatched. They have confidence in themselves and their abilities, they develop and maintain professional relationships, identify and solve problems and take an active role in making decisions to deliver the best customer experience.